Leading world brands, recent trends in the field of design, the best manufacturers on 1300 square meters! Such it was possible thanks to talent of the architect and desire of owners of capital salon Dobrynja to show to exacting clients a maximum of possibilities in design.
The main task at planning of an interior of salon was wise to zone space so that each brand and installation became self-sufficient мини show. Interesting and not ordinary feature of salon Dobrynja was that the client can choose not only a tile or to the sanitary technician, but also completely to pick up details of an interior and a decor for apartment or at home: from the amalgamator to a sofa.

First of all, among zoning elements podiums on which various installations took place have been used. The second very wise the decision became illumination – each zone, each collection or each presentation has individual light.

If to speak about color for such considerable quantity of subjects and expositions it was most logical to use the white: he has favourably underlined all color scores brand production. Besides, white visually increases space that such style and subject variety is especially important for salon, in which.

In elite salon there was a place not only to the subjects necessary for arrangement of apartment, but also for employees who with a pleasant smile and professional consultation meet visitors: easy plastic white furniture – the fine decision for workplaces.

It is absolutely imperceptible against refined collections and at the same time underlines a functional accessory.

Beauty salon designs

Reviewed by Merlyn Rosell
Published :
Rating : 4.5
Published :
Rating : 4.5